8 January 2020

From NOVACAVI to the Italian-French station Concordia in Antarctica

Our latest custom cables for extreme cold temperatures and severe environmental conditions are ready to leave NOVACAVI premises and to be delivered to the Concordia Station, the Italian-French permanent and all-year research station on the Antarctic Plateau, Dome C, (75° 06’ S, 123° 21’ E). These extreme temperature cables are designed and manufactured to reliably […]

2 December 2019

NOVACAVI addressing aquaculture ROV systems challenges

Monitoring and maintaining aquaculture infrastructures with remote operated vehicles inspection technology must be supported by reliable and resilient cables to withstand regular use in fish farming underwater facilities. NOVACAVI offers a wide range of custom cables, robust cables for the harsh environment they are working in and the most flexible ones perfectly suiting diverless ROV […]

5 November 2019

Mooring cables for LoVe Ocean Observatory, Norway

With extensive experience in designing and manufacturing underwater custom cables, NOVACAVI has recently supplied a couple of specially engineered mooring cables for the Lofoten-Vesterålen Cabeled Ocean Observatory. The Lofoten-Vesterålen Cabeled Ocean Observatory (LoVe) is a Norwegian infrastructure for marine research, monitoring and subsea technology development off the North Norway coast. Due to their peculiar harsh […]

4 October 2019

Tether cable developed for aerial tethered drone

Novacavi has developed a custom tether cable for an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAV) which allows ground power and therefore a virtually infinite flight autonomy of a drone specialized in monitoring the water surface. Thanks to the connection of this tether cable, tethered UAV system is able to take off from the deck of the vessel […]

13 September 2019

Glass braided cable enriches extreme temperatures range

Glass braided 7R3476 cable with halogen free silicone rubber sheath for optimal operating efficiency in high-temperature hazardous environments, has currently enriched our range of custom cables solutions for extreme temperatures. Required properties of excellent thermal performance and wear resistance, reduced weight and dimensions, flexibility and fire resistance according to IEC 60331 are all together expertly […]

26 August 2019

NOVACAVI featured in MTR100 Listing

NOVACAVI has been featured in the 2019 Annual Listing of 100 leading companies in the subsea technology industry of the prestigious Marine Technology Reporter (MTR) magazine. NOVACAVI has been highlighted for its expertise in ROV tethers and umbilical custom cables feasible on any conceivable configuration. Gianluca Ramploud, CEO, NOVACAVI, commented “Proud to be included in […]

8 July 2019

NOVACAVI expands steel armoured cable single length capabilities

As most applications require longer one single continuous lengths of steel armoured cables, so Novacavi efficiently improved equipment and optimized production system to handle cuts deployment till several kilometres. Focused on developing custom cables solutions for the most rigorous operational requirements, this implementation will help to go deeper and farer whether it is to the […]

29 May 2019

Technical support and prototypes for innovative yacht HVAC system

NOVACAVI supported the launch and development of the innovative HVAC system for yachts of Heinen & Hopman Italia – “Plug & Play” – which significantly optimize installing time on board. NOVACAVI supplied prototypes of power and signal multicore cables required for its best performance. To meet the need for high flexibility and adaptability during installation […]

2 May 2019

Well inspection with ROV

Successful dam inspection with a 50kg ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) lowered down to a 50m well directly connected and supported by a reinforced umbilical cable designed and produced by NOVACAVI for The Sea Opportunities. Engineered with optical fiber hybrid configuration to efficiently perform and transmit required data, this neutrally buoyant cable in fresh water satisfied […]

7 March 2019

Reinforced umbilical hybrid cable for pipeline inspection tools

NOVACAVI has developed a reinforced umbilical cable to ensure safe operations during inspection of oil & gas pipelines with cable-operated ultrasonic pigs. 13XM469 cable has been engineered with a hybrid configuration made of tinned copper conductors and fiber optic in stainless steel tube for reliable power supply, control and data transmission with fiber braid strength […]

15 February 2019

Monitoring Genoa’s Morandi Bridge

Since after the disastrous collapse of Genoa’s Morandi Bridge last 14th August 2018, Novacavi’s cables connected control equipment and measurements systems for real time monitoring on what was left of the concrete structure. Our technical experience supported required activities to start work of demolition and reconstruction before replacement.

14 January 2019

Underwater custom cable for mooring line to be deployed in the Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area for environmental monitoring purposes

NOVACAVI provided a tailor-made underwater hybrid cable solution to meet the Ligurian Cluster for Marine Technologies (DLTM) needs in enhancing marine and coastal environmental monitoring system in the Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area. 12XM473 underwater cable is a hybrid power and multi-protocol transmission cable specifically engineered to handle its tough subsea application and to withstand […]

3 October 2018

Hybrid multipair custom cable to enhance geophysical borehole acquisition systems

Novacavi has supplied a hybrid multipair data transmission custom cable for latest analog multistation borehole acquisition system used for S-wave borehole tomography or seismic downhole surveying. Cable construction has been engineered and manufactured to further strengthen operational capabilities of an upgraded geophysical borehole acquisition system and its specific application. Novacavi’s cable solution is skilfully composed […]

3 September 2018

Novacavi’s cable solutions chosen for in-situ monitoring down to 4000m depth

Novacavi’s custom cable solutions have been chosen for the new Idronaut VIP Deep Blue probe for the monitoring of trace metals in the aquatic ecosystems down to 4000m depth. Conceived to address the requirements of every environmental scientist interested in the monitoring of trace metals in the aquatic ecosystems, this voltametric in-situ probe performs simultaneous […]

3 July 2018

Industrial-Academic partnership to develop innovative technologies

Novacavi has actively contributed to “Marine Energy LAB” (MEL), the research and development project of efficient production, accumulation and transmission of electricity in marine environment jointly developed by the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria and Politecnico di Bari. 12XM463 special data transmission custom cable for submarine use has been engineered and manufactured to assure efficiency […]